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[Dtdparse-discuss] Yet another updated patch for DTD.pm

2005-06-16 03:35:06
On June 16, 2005 at 00:10, Earl Hood wrote:

> Here is a new patch for DTD.pm that includes an additional
> fix: Parsing of attlist does not take into account the use
> of ',' as a value separator.

Yet another updated patch containing another bug fix.  This
includes a bug fix with the tokenizer inadvertently scarfing up
parameter entity references.  For example, if you have


In an ATTLIST declaration, and x is defined as:

  <!ENTITY % x "attr CDATA #IMPLIED">

you will end up with


as the attribute type.

The following a patch against DTD.pm with the CVS ID:

  $Id: DTD.pm,v 1.3 2001/08/01 14:45:40 nwalsh Exp $

Fixing the following bugs:

  . Tag minimization look-ahead bug with empty parm entity reference.
  . Setting of debug level from command-line.
  . ATTLIST parsing does not support ',' as enumeration list separator.
  . Tokenizer scarfing up parm entity references.

--- DTD.pm.org	2005-05-27 13:12:37.562500000 -0500
+++ DTD.pm	2005-06-16 03:26:59.109375000 -0500
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
     $self->{'ATTR'} = {};
     $self->{'NOTN'} = {};
     $self->{'VERBOSE'} = $param{'Verbose'} || $param{'Debug'};
-    $self->{'DEBUG'} = $param{'Debug'};
+    $self->debug($param{'Debug'});
     $self->{'TITLE'} = $param{'Title'};
       = $param{'UnexpandedContent'} ? 1 : 0;
@@ -618,10 +618,14 @@
 sub debug {
     my $self = shift;
     my $val = shift;
-    my $dbg = $self->{'DEBUG'};
-    $self->{'DEBUG'} = $val if defined($val);
+    my $dbg = $debug;
+    if (defined($val)) {
+        $debug = $val;
+        if (ref($self)) {
+            $self->{'DEBUG'} = $debug;
+        }
+    }
     return $dbg;
@@ -900,7 +904,7 @@
 	    $dtd = $rest . $dtd;
 	    ($etagm, $dtd) = $self->next_token($dtd);
 	} else {
-	    $dtd = $tok . $dtd;
+	    $dtd = $tok . $dtd  if $expand =~ /\S/;
     } elsif ($tok =~ /^[\-\o]/is) {
 	$stagm = $tok;
@@ -1028,7 +1032,7 @@
 	    ($pre, $enum, $dtd) = $mc->match($values . $dtd);
 	    ($ntok, $rest) = $self->next_token($enum);
 	    while ($ntok) {
-		if ($ntok =~ /[\|\(\)]/) {
+		if ($ntok =~ /[,\|\(\)]/) {
 		    # nop
 		} else {
 		    push (@enum, $ntok);
@@ -1188,26 +1192,26 @@
     if ($dtd =~ /^<!\[/s) {
 	# beginning of a marked section
-	print "TOK: [$&]\n" if $debug > 3;
+	print "TOK(ms): [$&]\n" if $debug > 3;
 	return ($&, $');
     if ($dtd =~ /^[\(\)\-\+\|\&\,\>]/) {
 	# beginning of a model group, or incl., or excl., or end decl
-	print "TOK: [$&]\n" if $debug > 3;
+	print "TOK(group): [$&]\n" if $debug > 3;
 	return ($&, $');
     if ($dtd =~ /^[\"\']/) {
 	# quoted string
 	$dtd =~ /^(([\"\'])(.*?)\2)/s;
-	print "TOK: [$1]\n" if $debug > 3;
+	print "TOK(quoted-string): [$1]\n" if $debug > 3;
 	return ($&, $');
     if ($dtd =~ /^\%([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.]+);?/) {
 	# peref
-	print "TOK: [$1]\n" if $debug > 3;
+	print "TOK(peref): [$1]\n" if $debug > 3;
 	if ($return_peref) {
 	    return ("%$1;", $');
 	} else {
@@ -1217,9 +1221,15 @@
-    if ($dtd =~ /^\s*([^\s\|\&\,\(\)\[\]\>]+)/s) {
+    if ($dtd =~ /^([^\s\|\&\,\(\)\[\]\>\%]+)/s) {
 	# next non-space sequence
-	print "TOK: [$1]\n" if $debug > 3;
+	print "TOK(non-space): [$1]\n" if $debug > 3;
+	return ($1, $');
+    }
+    if ($dtd =~ /^(\%)/s) {
+	# lone % (for param entity declarations)
+	print "TOK(%): [$1]\n" if $debug > 3;
 	return ($1, $');

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