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RE: [fetchmail]No local users ever found

2002-02-08 22:54:41
Thanks for all your help Rick, I am certain the user is valid, I log in with
that ID all the time.

How does fetchmail qualify 'local' users, can I check if this part is

My /etc/passwd file shows --->

Also, a quick whoami shows that the user is valid:

brandenburg:~# su mdancey
brandenburg:/root$ whoami

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Jenkins [mailto:Lugh(_at_)HotPOP(_dot_)com]
Sent: Friday, 8 February 2002 7:13 PM
To: Murray Dancey
Subject: RE: [fetchmail]No local users ever found

At 01:50 PM 08/02/02 +1100, you wrote:
I'm using another pop host now, but still the same problem.

The problem is that fetchmail says "no local matches".  Yet doesn't tell me
what would qualify as a local match.  The email is clearly for mdancey, and
mdancey is a local user, and the fetchmailrc says that mdancey is a local

Why won't it work?

Just because the fetchmailrc file says they are a local user, does not mean
they *are* a local user, check the user list, I.E. the names the users use
to log in with, then you will be certain that mdancey actually *IS* a user,
from everything I have seen, there is NO mdancey

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