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[fetchmail] Re: Fetchmail -> [993] Stunnel -> [143] IMAP ... SSL error

2002-12-15 06:08:29
Quoting from Phil Howard's mail on Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 06:13:49AM -0600:
I'm getting an error when trying to connect Fetchmail to an IMAP
server via Stunnel.  It appears that the initial SSL negotiation
works just fine with Stunnel.  But once it's talking through SSL
to IMAP, it tries to do STARTTLS (presumably because IMAP has
STARTTLS in its capabilities).  Things don't work at that point.
I'm wondering if it's right for Fetchmail to be trying to set up
2 layers of SSL.  Should that even work?  How can I tell fetchmail
to NOT try to do any more SSL/TLS layers after it has one going?

This was fixed recently. So, just upgrading to 6.2.0 should solve the

Sunil Shetye.

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