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Re: [fetchmail] Received header scanning

2003-07-03 09:10:44

Ok, sorry for the number of emails here... looks like I might be able to
sort it.

Having searched the source code, it seems fetchmail searches for a " by "
string in the Received: header before looking for " for ", so the
non-sendmail compliant headers I'm getting don't work.

I should be able to work out a suitable modification to the program; if the
Received: headers I'm working with do infact comply with the standards then
would it be worth me trying to submit a patch?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Peck" <mcp21(_at_)f2s(_dot_)com>
My ISP, freeparking.co.uk, adds what look like useful Received headers as

Received: from ([]) for 
with MailEnable Catch-All Filter; Thu, 03 Jul 2003 08:40:01 -0400
Received: from server0027.freedom2surf.net ([]) by
freeparking.co.uk with MailEnable ESMTP; Thu, 03 Jul 2003 08:40:01 -0400

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