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[fetchmail] Fetchmail 6.2.5 and ATT Worldnet

2003-11-29 12:41:48
Several weeks ago the munkis at AT&T Worldnet began some kind of email 
"upgrade" that they're still recovering from.  Fetchmail is no longer able to 
pop off messages with attachments larger than around 300K from their secure 
pop server.  Regardless of size, messages get truncated to about 81K.  The 
server reports the correct message size, but then fetchmail always aborts 
around 81K, looks like it got an EOM for some reason.  If I send the same 
message with attachments to any of my backup email addresses (different pop 
servers) fetchmail can pull them down just fine.  What's worse, Kmail and 
Evolution have no trouble at all retrieving messages from 
ipostoffice.worldnet.att.net using ssl.  Anyone else seen this problem, 
before I reach for Ethereal or tcpdump?

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