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Re: [fetchmail]howto trigger polling

2004-09-30 21:33:46
On Wednesday 29 September 2004 7:25 am, Downard wrote:
What's the easiest way to trigger a fetchmail daemon to poll for new mail?
[...] they laugh at me as I proceed to find fetchmail's pid and kill -HUP

just typing "fetchmail" by itself, when there is a background daemon, will 
send a HUP or USER1 signal -- I use this feature for things like when I've 
just signed up to some webpage or mailing list and I don't want to wait 5 
minutes to get and reply to the confirmation message.  [see the man pages 
under "daemon mode" for full particulars]

alternatively you could use "killall" which takes a name of a process and does 
the "fumbling about searching for pid's..." for you :)

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