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Re: [fetchmail]lost UIDs

2005-03-05 10:52:02
On Sat, 05 Mar 2005 15:15:00 +0100, Manfred Weihs
<weihs(_at_)ict(_dot_)tuwien(_dot_)ac(_dot_)at> wrote:

PS: It seems that the modarator of this list is no more active. I
already submitted this bug report twice in February and only got a mail
that the modarator has to review it for approval (because of post by
non-member to a members-only list). But I neither got a notification of
the moderator's decision nor was my message posted to the list. So
obviously the current moderator does not review these posts. Therefore
you should either allow non-member posts or get a new (active)
moderator, because now it is necessary to become a list member just for
submitting a bug report. This is very inconvenient.

The old fetchmail home page and lists are pretty much unsupported (as
far as I can tell).  There was a new fetchmail project set up, that
you can find at http://fetchmail.berlios.de/.  You may have more luck
there (at the very least, if you fail to subscribe the moderators will

                 Please keep list traffic on the list.
Rob MacGregor
      Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he 
        doesn't become a monster.                  Friedrich Nietzsche

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