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Re: RFC822 and folding inside a quoted-string.

1991-05-30 17:28:38
Just an apropos: We're having a small argument whether it is legal
to fold a line inside a quoted-string. I'd say that this is not
legal. First: I regard a quoted-string as a single lexical symbol,
secondly, it is not legal with an CR inside a quoted-string.

The problem is that RFC822 shows an example of folding inside a quoted
string (search for `To:  "Joe &').

I agree with you that it should not be done, but since RFC822 explicitly
does do it, I think it is legal. Any software I write can handle line
breaks in the middle of quoted strings but does not generate them unless 
there's no alternative (a 2000-byte quoted string is completely legal in
RFC822, you know, but try getting it through SMTP sometime).

I think that the example should be removed from RFC822.

Agreed. This usage should, at the very least, be discouraged.

Ole Bjorn.


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