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speaking now...

1991-10-28 02:20:51
One small quibble/request...
   In section VII, please exclude any use of this (or any other) encoding
in "trace" fields (i.e. Received and Return-path), even in comments made
parts of those fields.  This is the transport boundary, and can cause
nothing but trouble, with little or no benefit that I can discern.

And a suggestion or three...

    Wrt ISO 8859-n/Latin-m character sets, this proposal would be enhanced
by some guidance as to which one to use if there is a choice (there
usually is) in the spirit of "don't encode ASCII" at the end of section
VII.  There has been good practical experience with the "use the lowest
value of N that will do the job" rule that the Kermit folks use, unless an
intended side-effect of this proposal is to require that all mail readers
support all ISO 8859- variants.

     Incidentally, unless we wish to be accused of "single-digit-bias",
the ISO 8859 group is, I think, up to -11 at least.  Might be wise to do a
little block-reserving, e.g.,
    0 Future extension for 10646
    1-50 (probably enough) ISO 8859-n, 1 <= n <= 50
    51 ... (future extension).
  I have an extremely vague recollection of languages whose written forms
use question-markers at the beginning and end of questions, effectively
quoting them. I don't see that this causes any problems for the proposal,
but it might make the advantages of leading "?" as a marker a bit less.
Has anyone looked at this?

   Insofar as ASCII can be said to be a subset of ISO8859-1, it is equally
a subset of all other ISO 8859-n character sets, present and future.

Otherwise, I'm quite happy with this personally and think it is a very
clever bit of work, arriving in the nick of time.

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