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Re: PROBLEM: Newlines & Quoted-printable

1992-02-25 07:21:57
As Alain said, it USED to be the case that you could use either base64
or q-p for either binary or line-oriented data.

With the removal of the portable newlines, we made base64 into a
binary-only encoding.

Quoted-printable, however, CAN still, as currently defined, be used to
encode either binary or line-oriented data, but you have to be clear on
what you're encoding.  If it is binary, then the q-p data stream should
contain only soft line breaks (i.e. linebreaks preceded by "="), and all
CR or LF characters should be encoded using the = notation.

What I'm not convinced of, however, is that this kind of encoding
(binary data encoded in q-p) is at all useful, nor that it is
fundamentally as robust as base64.  But, with the current draft, I
believe that it is at least POSSIBLE.  -- Nathaniel

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