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list of MIME implentations

1992-10-11 16:22:15
I'm trying to put together a list of MIME implementations, finished or in
progress, for a presentation on MIME (seems like we ought to make sure
that MIME gets the good press it deserves). The ones I know of are:

 - Metamail
 - C-client (as a tool for building MIME mailers)
 - MailManager (built on c-client for NeXTs)
 - MIME capable MH
 - MIME capable Andrew
 - Pine 
 - The up and coming MIME mailer from SUN
 - A MIME capable version of ZMAIL

I'd appreciate hearing about any others with along with the details such
as it's status, what platforms it runs on, how to get it and where to get

I'll be happy to send the result to anyone that would like a copy.


Laurence Lundblade                       206-543-5617
     Computing and Communications, University of Washington, Seattle 

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