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Re: restrictions when defining charsets

1993-01-21 15:36:09
my formulation of the first rule was rotten.
The situation (quite common in Norway :-( ) that the rule was intended
to OUTLAW, was the situation

The character { means a left curly bracket if what you are looking at
looks like C code, but if it occurs in a word like "kj{rlighet"
(love in Norwegian :-), it means the lower case AE ligature.

In this case, it is nearly impossible to write anything less than a
complete AI system with language knowledge to display the message

New version of the first rule:
The character indicated by any byte or set of bytes must be completely
and unambiguously specified by the registration of the character set,
either by a complete listing of possible characters, or references to
other published documents that contain such listings.

ISO-2022-JP is such a registration (that references other documents).


                                           Harald A

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