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Re: CID url type

1995-10-13 11:20:28
I'm not sure why this is needed.  As I see it, the html browser would
expand the relative urls as it normally does.  If images or other
links that the page refers to are included in the message, why can the
sender generate the absolute URL and include that with the body part
(i.e., Content-Location:


On Fri, 13 Oct 1995 12:35:32 EDT MARKJOSEPH(_at_)delphi(_dot_)com wrote:

Would it be possible to pass the base URL as a separate mail header with
the HTML in a mail message.  For example,

Content-Type: text/html

Then all the relative URLs in the bodypart could be expanded by the
receiving mail client.  This seems a lot simplier than adding the SGML
catalog idea.

Mark Joseph
The Wollongong Group. Inc.
Santa Cruz, CA.

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