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Re: Finishing the XML-tagging discussion

2000-03-19 10:57:02
On 3/19/2000 12:58 AM, Valdis(_dot_)Kletnieks(_at_)vt(_dot_)edu wrote:

To summarize:

Most of us are of the opinion that indiscriminate sniffing of objects
is a Bad Idea unless you're of the canine persuasion, and that some
form of tagging is a Good Idea.  The question we seem to be hung up on
is whether we should:

a) Use application/xml with Content-Feature tagging.  This would
require more work for some MIME dispatchers to implement up front, but
buys us automatic drop-back to generic XML if added support isn't
available.  Non-upgraded clients would require (possibly) *one*
intervention to add 'application/xml' to their "how to dispatch THIS
one" tables to point at a generic XML application, but there's no
guarantee that added features would be usable, even if installed, if
their MIME handler doesn't do Content-Feature.

b) Use application/foobar-xml.  This apparently requires less work for
some MIME dispatchers to support, at the expense of creating a "rule"
that *-xml is all xml if you don't want to drop back to octet-stream.
In addition, *non-upgraded* clients get to force hand-adding of this
week's foobar-xml to a table of "how to dispatch THIS one" (even if
it's Yet Another 'hand it to our XML application') if they want "better
than octet-stream" handling.

What about:

c) Use application/foobar with a tag that says it's xml, like

The reason I think this is better is that a non-upgraded client will handle
a by passing all application/foobar documents to the generic xml handler
rather than the foobar handler, but if the primary type is listed as
application/foobar, a non-upgraded client will handle it correctly if a
foobar handler is installed and set up.  It will just fail to pass it off to
a generic xml handler if one isn't installed.  This seems like a much less
serious problem to me because there's not much the user can necessarily do
with a application/foobar document in a generic xml handler anyway.  It is
much more important to handle the case where the user has a handler for
foobar installed.  Also, if we use something like Alternate-Type, it
provides a much more general solution for similar problems in the future,
and the implementation would be very simple.  It could be Alternate-Types
with a comma delimited list, as someone else suggested, or there could be
multiple Alterate-Type tags allowed, and you just go through them in order.
You can think of this as being similar to multipart/alternative, but sharing
the same content and just changing the way it's interpreted.
