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RE: yEnc (was RE: mail vs. news ???)

2003-02-24 10:55:21

Juergen Helbing wrote:

I have tried to persuade the relevant people to produce an
internet-draft proposing it as an official CTE. But they don't want
to know. 

Juergen, could you please have the relevant people (including yourself)
take a look at the following and tell us what you think:

Given that the Area Director himself (and the MIME co-author who wrote
the scary warning against new CTE's) wrote one of these drafts, I'm
optimistic that it can get approved the IESG.  So, this would be a
really, really good time to get your comments in, before it gets locked
in stone.  (I wouldn't expect a lot of new CTE's going forward.)

[Stuff about the IETF being too much trouble elided.]

Here's your chance, Juergen, to have it operate quickly and well.

          - dan
Dan Kohn <mailto:dan(_at_)dankohn(_dot_)com>
<>  <tel:+1-650-327-2600>