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Re: informal last call for draft-duerst-archived-at-06

2006-10-27 07:57:08

Martin Duerst wrote:

I plan to submit it to the IESG for further processing soon, unless
any serious problems are found.

=== 1st issue ===
It's not exactly serious, but IMO you just can't register anything X-...

You can explain what it was, and why anybody using it should upgrade
to Archived-At, but you can't register X-Archived-At.  STD 11 / RFC 822
says X-... is user territory.

Just delete section 5.2, integrating 5.1 into 5.  If you want to add
another example (news usage without Message-ID) you could take this:

| Xref: gmane.ietf.message-headers:30
| Archived-At: <>

But that's of course only "lillyguilding", in other words it's almost
ready, minus the X-... nit.

=== 2nd point ===
I'm not sure about section 2.4, Archived-At as URI will do for some
years:  IRI-producers can as well produce URIs, but "old" Archived-At
consuments like my tools support only some URI schemes, no "raw" IRIs.

Besides raw UTF-8 in message headers is strictly impossible, and the
planned EAI experiment might still limit its scope to local parts in
addresses (excluding Message-IDs).

Archived-At has "intended status: standards track", not "experimental".

=== 3rd detail ===
The source of <unstructured> isn't obvious for readers, I guess you
talk about <unstructured> as in RFC 2822.  Why not simply specify the
85 possible URI characters ?  With that you'd get something like:

~~~ old ~~~
 "Archived-At:" [FWS] '<' unstructured '>' CRLF
~~~ new ~~~
 "Archived-At:" [FWS] "<" [FWS] 1*( 1*uri-char [FWS] ) ">" CRLF

 uri-char = unreserved / reserved / pct-encoded  ; compare RFC 3986
~~~ end ~~~

Sanity check, we need to find 128 -32 (C0) -1 (SP) -1 (DEL)  = 94

unreserved  is ALPHA (52) + DIGIT (10) + "-","_","~","." (4) = 66
reserved    is gen-delims (7) + sub-delims (11)              = 18
pct-encoded is "%" (1) + 2HEXDIG (already covered)           =  1
Illegal VCHARs: '"', '<', '>', '\', '^', '`', '{', '|', '}'  =  9

Please make sure to cc: me personally

As long as it's an ASCII-address no problem. :-)


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