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Re: Missing ABNF terms in 2821bis?

2007-10-17 10:02:36

I've copied this conversation over to ietf-822, since I think that will probably be where this issue is addressed.

On 10/17/07 at 6:51 AM -0700, ned+ietf-smtp(_at_)mrochek(_dot_)com wrote:

Peter J. Holzer wrote:

Which reminds me: What is the reason for allowing control characters in email addresses?


I try hard to stay out of these sorts of debates, but in this case I am forced to agree. We are way past the point where backwards compatibility is an acceptable excuse for something like this. It should be obvious why allowing nonprinting control characters in addresses is a bad idea on many levels.

And if common sense isn't enough here, how about the fact that it is pretty clear that these things have obvious and severe interoperability problems that will make it hard to meet the criterua for draft standard?

Right now, control characters are allowed in the following:

- Domain literals on the right hand side of addresses
- Quoted strings (which can be on the left hand size of addresses as well as lots of other structured header fields) - Comments (which can appear in lots of structured header fields including address fields)
- Unstructured text (in fields and in the body)

Where are you proposing we should remove controls?

Pete Resnick <>
Qualcomm Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102

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