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Re: 5321 and 5322 are published!

2008-10-03 08:12:29

Yes, there is some movement in that direction. More accurately, the
intent is to move 2045-2049 to Full Standard. Stay tuned.


Charles Lindsey wrote:
In <kZLanWfa6vpSUaEkWnD1Kw(_dot_)md5(_at_)lochnagar(_dot_)oryx(_dot_)com> 
Arnt Gulbrandsen <arnt(_at_)oryx(_dot_)com> writes:

John C Klensin writes:
Now we go to work on the full standard versions! :-)

The early bird, blah, 8881/8882?

In the meantime, is there any move to upgrade 204[56] to be based on 5322?

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