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Re: Empty 5322.From address or 5322.From address containing <>

2010-04-16 03:45:15

On 04/16/2010 10:02 AM, Sonneveld, Rolf wrote:
in the header of the notification mail. Please note: the above From is
the header From (5322.From), not the envelope From (5321.From). Are the
above From: header lines valid according to RFC822/2822/5322?


I've seen a lot of other invalid hacks, too. The only one I've seen that's syntactically legal is From: ""@[], which may have syntax going for it, but I do find it somewhat lacking in charm.

It seems to me they are not valid, as from RFC5322 I get the impression
that a From address at least should contain an "@" and a localpart and a
domainname, and even if localpart and domainname would be allowed to be
empty, there's still the "@" sign...

The localpart can be empty (IMO that's highly inadvisable, but it is legal).
