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2003-03-20 12:46:14
Authentication Approaches

Phillip Hallam-Baker

VeriSign Inc.


        Authentication + Authorization = 
Access Control


        IP Address



        Email Address Whitelists [alice(_at_)example(_dot_)com]

        Domain Whitelists []

        Payment [$0.01 stamp]

How Strong is Enough?

        LIST Kiddies

        Like a script kiddie but they pay for the mailing list

        Actually a spam victim, they get worthless service in return

        SPAM Houses

        Will adapt to heuristic authentication approaches

        But it will cost them


        Infrastructure exists to

        Ensure that a party owns the purported domain name

        Ensure that legal process can be served on the certificate holder

        With a high (but not absolute) degree of confidence


Deployment Argument

        Authentication Compliments Filtering

        Network effect, aka Chicken and Egg problem

        Avoid false positives

        Without creating backdoors

        'Allow all mail from, they use rate limiting'

        Allows more aggressive criteria

        Cryptographic Authentication is robust

        Asymmetric work factor

        No viable counter-strategies

Problem - Email Insecure by Default

        Downgrade attack

        I can tell a signed message comes from the sender

        I cannot assume an unsigned message is false

        Key is to know the security policy of the domain

DNS Based Security Policy

        Reverse IP look up

        Some Current Use

        Only demonstrates that the IP address has been assigned

        IPv4 address exhaustion will make this uninteresting

        Configuration problem - servers handling 1000's of domains

        Many ISPs do not delegate reverse DNS as they should

        Get a new ISP is an idiotic deployment strategy

Forward DNS

        Address based authentication

        RCPT From [Vixie]

        Reverse MX

        Pro: Lightweight, almost costless

        Pro: Obsoletes most existing spamware

        Con: Could be vulnerable to new spamware

        Con: Some operational issues

        Con: Only works if mail from domain is relayed

Generalized Security Policy

        Security Policy Advertisement Mechanism

        Advertise any form of security policy

        ALWAYS comes from address X, Y or Z

        OPTIONAL uses STARTTLS, cert root has SHA1 P

        OPTIONAL uses S/MIME, cert root has SHA1 Q

        OPTIONAL uses PGP, validate against XKMS R

        NEVER uses NULL Authentication

        Can be generalized to other protocols

        IPSEC, SSH, NNTP, POP, IMAP...

This is Just a Bug

        We Are going to

        FIX IT

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