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Re: [Asrg] Permission-based antispam-antivirus solutions

2003-06-19 19:08:34
At 06:50 PM 6/19/2003 -0500, gep2(_at_)terabites(_dot_)com wrote:
Do you know anything else that would be so effective, so cheap, so easily and
quickly implemented, and with as little disruption to ALL established legitimate
users of the Net?

This proposal does not seem to be able to be "easily and quickly implemented, and with as little disruption to ALL established legitimate users of the Net?": 1. As Vernon pointed out, most MUAs are sending out HTML formated mail by default right now. Even if you turn off those settings, it will take a lot of time for those changes to propogate through the Net. Now assuming that at least 80% of end users run Windows, and the default client, Outlook Express, is used by most of them (or Outlook/Exchange in corporate environment), that's a lot of end users. If you will start implementing these changes, most regular end users will be affected. How many users of the Internet are these end users? 2. How does blocking attachments help solve the spam problem? The only benefit I see so far is anti-virus, and that is not an issue for ASRG. 3. This proposal is based on an assumption that most spam is HTML based. However, I personally get a lot of spam not HTML based and just plain text. How long will it take until all spam becomes simple text?

HTML, base64, etc. blocking is already partially being implemented by some filters, SpamAssasin, especially. This proposal is more of a suggestion list for filtering than a full fledged proposal.


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