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Re: [Asrg] A lot of additional comments

2003-07-07 13:42:33
For the record as pointed out by someone else, "angelofd7" is an alias for Mr. McCarron which is an email address for his ICQ account #328427281, see this RIPE WG message:

Some people just don't want to leave, remember the old saying: "Don't feed the trolls".

At 01:16 PM 7/7/2003 -0700, angelofd7(_at_)icqmail(_dot_)com AKA Mark McCarron blubbered on:

I read this and thought Mr McCarron was exaggerating
the problem.  I have reviewed the accusations made and
I must agree with him.  Paul Judge is unfit to be the
chair of Anti-Spam research group due to his personal
interest in promoting the 'IronMail' product.  As an
engineer myself, I also agree with Mr McCarron's point
about this group 'running in circles' to avoid a
solution from being developed.

Since Mr McCarron is not given the opportunity to
defend himself.  I will assist in the matter.  If you
have a problem with this, well, I am sure I can have 60
engineers posting here everyday on the subject.  I am
quite sure between us we could average 180 posts a day
on 'GIEIS'.

For those interested 'GIEIS' has moved to version 0.006.


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