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[Asrg] Trustic anti-spam system closes down because it doesn't work

2003-08-05 08:36:19
from: :
"We have determined that the system as it currently is designed will not
achieve the level of accuracy that we require, and an inaccurate system
is worse than no system."

A brief explanation of what they were trying to accomplish follows. This
was taken from their web site:

"Trustic is a community based block list. This differs from a
traditional DNS block list, which reflects the opinions only of a small
group of individuals. Trustic's goal is to produce an accurate and
complete list of servers considered untrusted by the community. 

"Trust in a server is determined by aggregating positive and negative
recommendations submitted by Trustic members. A positive recommendation
indicates trust in a server, a negative recommendation is the opposite.
A server is considered untrusted if it is one of the following: 

   * Has a practice of allowing the sending of Unsolicited Bulk Email
   * Configured as an open relay or proxy 
   * Does not have a static IP address 

"Positive and negative recommendations are aggregated using an algorithm
called a trust network. The algorithm looks at the recommendations each
member has submitted and, based on how these recommendations compare to
the recommendations other members have submitted, assigns a trust value
to the member and her recommendations. The more trust a member has, the
more influence their recommendations have in determining whether servers
are considered trusted. 

See for more information while it is still

Slashdot discussions of trustic can be found at:

                bob wyman

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