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Re: [Asrg] 0. General - Draft list summary for October

2003-10-22 11:12:33
Is this likely to be kept in a subscribers-only section on the
website?  IMO, it'd make a great summary page of its own, esp. if it's
bookmarkable and point-at-able.  

No, this will be freely available for all - we make a certain amount of
the publication available online each month - we felt that since we

a) Simply quoting what others had said
b) Going to ask people to correct us
c) Hoping to convince people in anti-spam to subscribe and read our
     other great content and come to our conference ;-)

That we'd put this online as our token sample of free content from our
anti-spam section. We make all our content freely available three months
after publication, so you'll be able to read our other anti-spam
articles there (in three month's time).

Hope this helps


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