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[Asrg] Proposed addition to draft-crocker-spam-techconsider-02.txt

2003-11-14 09:56:26
--- draft-crocker-spam-techconsider-02.txt      2003/11/14 16:37:39     1.1
+++ draft-crocker-spam-techconsider-02.txt      2003/11/14 16:52:25
@@ -566,6 +566,19 @@
      is also not clear who should receive the fees or how
      they should be disbursed.
+     Another possible form of sender-pays is to impose costs
+     at mail-transaction time without trying to clear them as
+     payments in the real world -- so-called "hash-cash" schemes.
+     The purpose of such techniques is not to compensate the 
+     receiver for reading spam but to impose a friction cost on
+     spammers, ideally one that would make bulk-mail prohibitively
+     expensive. Hash-cash schemes rely on the existence of
+     challenge-response methods in which the response is provably
+     expensive to compute.  A difficulty with them is that their
+     effectiveness could be diluted or eliminated by techniques 
+     such as zombie-flood spamming attacks in which the spammer
+     essentially does not care about the amount of time any one
+     hijacked machine has to spend shipping a spam.
 3.3. Filtering

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