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Re: [Asrg] Re: 6. Proposals: LMTP proposals]

2003-12-01 10:08:31
Fridrik Skulason <frisk(_at_)f-prot(_dot_)com> wrote:
LMAP will never eliminate all cases of forgery - which actually has a
rather nasty side-effect.  Think of it as the "survival of the fittest"
in action.  If something like LMAP was universally adopted, any spam
mechanism not affected by it would be "encouraged", so to speak.


  Adding security in one are of the network changes the cost-benefit
ratio for attacks in other areas of the network.  This is a very
different statement than what you made.

In other words, widespread implementation of LMAP (which would be a good
thing) would lead to more compromised machines (which would be a bad 
thing) ;-)

  Tough sh*t for them.

  By the same argument, I shouldn't put locks or an alarm in my house,
because that encourages thieves to go after my neighbour, instead of

  Such arguments are ridiculous, and either originate from a
misunderstanding of the security space, or a hidden agenda to prevent
*any* anti-spam measures from being implemented.

  To repeat what I've been saying since the start of ASRG: If one of
the requirements for this group is that nothing changes, then we
should all give up, and disband the group.

  Alan DeKok.

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