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Re: [Asrg] [1] Why SPAM is worse in SMTP than in other protocols

2003-12-21 12:49:46
Yakov Shafranovich wrote:
I am not sure how would help us, perhaps you can elaborate. Are you suggesting that we should let spammers know about how their spam is being filtered? Wouldn't that let them adjust their spam messages so they can go through better?

I dont think so. They adjust their spam messages already so they will go
through better. Publishing the filtering rules does not help against
undetectable spam. But it can help against detectable spam.

If a smart spammer (software) see that the actual spam is filterable by
the domain the software will skip the whole domain. And not sended spam
will make the spam volume smaller.

IMHO publishing filtering rules can be a valuable out-of-band negative
response for smarter spammers (or softwares).


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