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[Asrg] Re: A plea for more hierarchy in DNS

2004-10-28 19:32:25
On Thu, Oct 21, 2004, Claus Assmann wrote:
Wouldn't it be simpler to support MTAmark instead of some naming
scheme? Maybe an organization has some guidelines it needs/wants
to follow for naming hosts; MTAmark wouldn't interfere with that
but still allows others to find out whether a system is supposed
to send mail.

Claus, you are correct, provided MTAmark is implemented.  What is the
status of MTAmark?  MTAmark seems to be a modification of the DNS
specification, so how long before everyone's BINDs get up to date?

To be really honest, I'm small fry.  I don't do my own DNS -- I let my
registrar do it.  And the interface they have doesn't seem to allow for
TXT records.

Doug Campbell

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