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[Asrg] Re: The IETF needs your input about the Spamops document (fwd)

2005-06-13 18:38:10
John R Levine wrote in <>

Please note that comments need to go to the IETF and IESG.

The IESG intends to publish two mutually exclusive drafts as
experimental RfCs about v=spf1 and a braindead scheme styling
itself as "Sender-ID" PRA.

This blatant abuse of hundreds of thousands of published v=spf1
policies will cause bogus FAIL results (in any tagging system
that would probably cause the deletion of some legit mail) and
bogus PASS results (as the new highway for "trusted" phishing).

don't expct the IESG to read them here.

Normally I don't believe in spam campaigns and fighting abuse
with abuse.  But today I make an exception.  Yes, of course I
support draft-hutzler-spamops - maybe with Brian's wording for
CRAM-MD5, or with a simple s/secure/encrypted/ in this part.

But it's probably hopeless, it's not more about "engineering",
it's about severe "proess failures", check out RfC 2026 6.5.2.

                          Bye, Frank

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