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Re: [Asrg] Anyone going to IETF 75 in Stockholm?

2009-05-23 09:33:20
John R. Levine wrote:
If enough people are going and someone's willing to run the session, I can ask for an ASRG session in Stockholm. Otherwise, back to sleep.

I had planned to go, but then failed to prepare a draft for FixForwarding, thus I'd postpone my impact with IETF meetings :-(

So, anyone willing to add another anti-spam technique to the wiki? It's not hard.

I prepared an easier draft though, draft-vesely-vhlo. Is that worth being advertised on the ASRG's wiki? (In short, it proposes to pass the domain name instead of the ehlo's FQDN, so as to ease a number of checks, including greylisting.)
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