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Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-09 20:40:08
David Wilson wrote:

The provision is through hops of certificate authorities,

As I clearly stated,

As we are discussing on concepts described in two papers, your
own statement without proper quotation from the papers does
not mean anything.

the actual signing is end to end,

The security hole is located not between certificate authorities
but within certificate authorities.

To quote from the 2001 paper,

        Transactions based on a wellknown public key can be rather
        simple two-party interactions that fit well within the end
        to end paradigm. However, there is a key role for a third
        party, which is to issue a Public Key Certificate and
        manage the stock of such certificates; such parties are
        called certificate authorities.

the first sentence roughly corresponds to your statement "the
actual signing is end to end", however...

And the third parties of certificate authorities constitute
a chain, a channel, hops or whatever terminology you might
use, which is not end to end.

                                                Masataka Ohta

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