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[Asrg] Modified CEAS CFP

2009-11-01 14:40:49
CEAS 2010 Call for Papers [Online <>]

      Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam
      Conference [formerly the Conference on Email and Anti-Spam]
  The Seventh Annual /Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti-Abuse and
 Spam Conference/ (CEAS 2010) invites the submission of papers for its
 meeting in July, 2010. Papers are invited on all aspects of electronic
 communication and collaboration, including email, instant messaging, and
 other messaging methods including voice and video; social networks, blogs,
 and wikis; user-generated content, ratings, and reviews; crowdsourcing,
 citizen science, and human-based computation.

Academic and industrial research perspectives including novel applications,
 theoretical work, analysis of real-world users and trends, and operational
 or deployment case studies related to the conference topics are all warmly

Both full papers of up to 10 pages and poster papers of up to 4 pages will
 be considered. Papers will be peer-reviewed by a committee of experts from
 academic and industrial research centers.

---Suggested topics---

    * Message filtering, organization, and security
    * Adversarial learning using machine learning and natural language
    * Automated assistance, summarization, and search for online
    * Social networking security, privacy, and fraud prevention
    * Modeling and analysis of economics of abuse, phishing, spam, and
    * Studies of abuse tactics and patterns
    * Scalability, reliability, archiving, and retrieval
    * Collaborative filtering of user-generated content
    * Protocols and standards for social networking, collaboration, and
    * Standards for abuse reporting and monitoring
    * Crowdsourcing analysis, applications, and theory
    * Novel uses of wikis and blogs in science, problem solving, and
    * Studies on the use of citizen science and human-based computing
    * Novel modes of distributed collaboration
    * Collaboration in adversarial environments
    * User trust and reputation
    * User identity issues that relate to the conference topics
    * Online fraud, cyber crime, identity theft, and other online crime

These are examples, and other topics within the scope of the conference are
 also welcome; if you have questions about the applicability of your work,
 contact the program committee at information(_at_)ceas(_dot_)cc <mailto:

---Key dates---

    * *Submission deadline: March 26, 2010, 23:59:59 UTC*
    * Author notifications: May 21, 2010
    * Final accepted papers due: June 11, 2010
    * Conference dates: July 13 and 14, 2010

The 2010 conference will be held at The Commons, on Microsoft's main campus
 in Redmond, Washington, and will dovetail with the SOUPS conference <> at the same site during the same week.

 The conference will once again run a /Spam Challenge/. Information about
 the challenge will be posted on the conference web site,

Paper submission and venue details can be found online at the conference website. <>

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