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Re: [Asrg] Adding a spam button to MUAs

2010-02-01 08:59:21
Except that that isn't, I presume, the way these buttons currently
work - except when somebody is subscribed to a feedback loop. It
seems over-complicated and inefficient (even with BURL) to send an
ARF to your own system admin, and rather more simple to just set a
flag or annotation on the IMAP server.

You're right, for the minority of us who run IMAP.  For everyone else
who uses POP, mailing an ARF report back to the POP server may be the
best we can do.  The authserv-id from RFC 5451 isn't ideal to use as
the mailing address since the RFC says quite clearly that it has to
look like a FQDN but it doesn't actually have to be an FQDN.

If we go down this route, we could probably add a flag to 5451 to
say it's OK to send ARF reports.

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