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Re: [Asrg] An Anti-Spam Heuristic

2012-12-13 22:08:15
On 12-12-13 08:26 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:

If tarpitting and other such things were the FUSSP, then everybody would
use them,
and the unicorns would come out of hiding. If spammers haven't adjusted
their botnet
software, then it really says that there's no evolutionary pressure for
them to do so.
If there is, they will do so. What else would they do? Go out of
business? They aren't stupid.

Enough of them have changed to indicate that there is _some_ pressure.

Indeed, pure botnet was, until recently, generally responsible for
85-95% of all spam.

Right now, tho, it's about 40% compromised Linux _servers_.

Yes.  Really.
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