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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM Threat Assessment v0.02 (very rough draft)

2005-08-09 13:39:54
Dave Crocker wrote:
In the current Internet Mail environment a mail receiver can never be
sure whether a piece of mail was from the purported author they
normally associate with the claimed identity. This leads to many
avenues of abuse.
A secondary goal of DKIM is to validate a standard identity field,
such as RFC2822.From or RFC2822.Sender.

Stating this as a secondary goal appears to contradict the earlier
paragraph.  I.e.  The earlier paragraph implies that validating
RFC2822.From or RFC2822.Sender would be a primary goal.

I agree.

Well, a coherent and not-contradictory thought was driving my writing, but Heisenberg got in the way.

The intended thought was that having ANY accountable entity -- where the accountability is meaningful -- improves the likely validity of the other identity fields.

So, no, I had not intended to make direct validation of From or Sender a primary goal.

I, on the other hand, do.

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