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[ietf-dkim] -base section 5.2: key timeouts

2006-05-25 12:34:09
Per this morning's jabber session, I've changed the second paragraph of section 5.2 to read:

       INFORMATIVE OPERATIONS ADVICE:  A signer should not sign with
       a private key when the selector containing the corresponding
       public key is expected to be removed before the verifier has
       an opportunity to validate the signature.  The signer should
       anticipate that verifiers may choose to defer validation,
       perhaps until the message is actually read by the final
       recipient.  In particular, when rotating to a new key-pair,
       signing should immediately commence with the new private key
       and the old public key should be retained for the expected
       validation interval before being removed from the key server.

Please let me know if this fits (or does not fit) consensus.

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