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Re: limits of actions

1998-01-29 15:12:21
From: Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon(_at_)esys(_dot_)ca>
Cc: ietf-mta-filters(_at_)imc(_dot_)org
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 11:05:43 -0700 (MST)

On 29 Jan 1998 12:48:16 -0500 Tim Showalter 
<tjs+(_at_)andrew(_dot_)cmu(_dot_)edu> wrote:

But that's what keep means -- "fileinto inbox".

But my understanding was that issuing keep would possibly preclude 
other actions taking place, in which case there still a need to express 
the default mailbox in an unabmiguous manner.

Or maybe I'm just misinterpreting things and need another coffee ...

My intention is that keep is, for any IMAP-based implementation, exactly
the same as 'fileinto "INBOX"', and has the same restrictions (it's absurd
to keep and discard, and it's bad to keep and reject.)

So yes, keep may preclude actions from taking place, but that's a feature.
This is a good thing, I think.


                                          Tim Showalter 

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