I would like to propose alternative definitions for the "allof" (Sec 5.1)
and "anyof" (5.2) tests. The essential difference is to allow the words
"and" and "or" as binary, infix operators for equivalent semantics.
5.1. Test allof / and
Syntax: allof ( <test> , <test> , ... <test> )
or: <test1> and <test2>
The allof test preforms a logical AND on the tests supplied to it. The
evaluated from left to right, and evaluations of the tests stops on the
test with a "false" result. The allof test takes as its argument a
The "and" operator returns the logical AND of both tests. <Test1> is
evaluated first, and only if its result is true then <test2> is
Multiple occurances of "and" within the same test expression is evaluated
from left to right. I.e.:
<test1> and <test2> and <test3>
is equivalent to
(<test1> and <test2>) and <test3>
Examples: allof (false, false) => false
allof (false, true) => false
allof (true, true) => true
exists header ["To"] and exists header ["Cc"]
Similarly, the "anyof" definition should be:
5.2. Test anyof / or
Syntax: anyof ( <test> , <test> , ... <test> )
or: <test1> or <test2>
The anyof test preforms a logical OR on the tests supplied to it. Tests
are evaluated from left to right, stopping at the first test that results
in a "true" result.
The "or" operator returns the logical OR of both tests. <Test1> is
first, and only if its value is "false", then <test2> is evaluated.
occurances of "or" within the same test expression are evaluated from
left to
right. I.e.:
<test1> or <test2> or <test3>
is equivalent to:
(<test1> or <test2>) or <test3>
Examples: anyof (false, false) => false
anyof (false, true) => true
anyof (true, true) => true
exists header ["To"] or exists header ["Cc"]
Alan K. Stebbens <alan(_dot_)stebbens(_at_)software(_dot_)com>