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Re: Limitation of editheader

2003-05-10 12:36:50

On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 02:50:05PM -0700, 
ned(_dot_)freed(_at_)mrochek(_dot_)com wrote
in response to Simon Josefsson:

Prepending would be a better default.

The application I had in mind for "addheader" is very simple
flagging or priorization of messages by a user.  Just going by
"the important stuff first" aesthetics, I'd place such user
headers after the standard message headers, certainly not in
the middle of the Received: chronicle of delivery, even though
that would be temporally accurate.

But it's correct that both Resent-* and adding of Received:
headers don't work this way, and that it may be useful to
see where in the delivery process a header was inserted.

How about I change the default to insertion in front, and add
an optional :last that forces an append?

Works for me.

I've thought about adding more detailed positional parameters
to addheader, but couldn't come up with anything that wasn't
too complicated given the rarity of its use.

Exactly right IMO.


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