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Re: ":matches" issue

2005-07-28 08:44:52

Andrei Dumitrescu <andrei(_dot_)dumitrescu(_at_)axigen(_dot_)com> writes:
How should the following test be evaluated when matched against a
From:user4(_at_)localdomain header ?

if header :matches "from"  "us?"

":matches" should behave like ":is" or like ":contains" ?

It should fail; :matches behaves like :is.  If behavior like :contains
is desired, the user should include a star at both ends of the pattern.

This was clarified in the 3028bis I-D in rev -01 or so, where the
description of :matches in section 2.7.1 starts:
   The ":matches" match type specifies a wildcard match using the
   characters "*" and "?"; the entire value must be matched.  <...>

Philip Guenther

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