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Re: Treat as a WGLC: draft-martin-managesieve-10.txt

2008-07-08 23:59:01

On 7/8/08, Alexey Melnikov <alexey(_dot_)melnikov(_at_)isode(_dot_)com> wrote:
Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

--On Monday, July 07, 2008 09:40:11 PM +0100 Robert Burrell Donkin
<robertburrelldonkin(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 9:23 PM, Jeffrey Hutzelman 
<jhutz(_at_)cmu(_dot_)edu> wrote:

--On Monday, July 07, 2008 08:27:59 PM +0100 Robert Burrell Donkin
<robertburrelldonkin(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:


it seems unfortunate that this means that a separate port is required
for sieve management. a compatible extension to IMAP would allow sieve
management using the same URI.

That makes the assumption that sieve scripts live only in IMAP servers,
which I don't think we want to do.

not at all :-)

the function contained in this protocol is really very trivial. i
doubt that any implementator using a storage mechanism other than IMAP
would bother creating an implementation rather than just reusing their
preferred protocol at the application level. for example, HTTP is a
well known protocol whose secruity characterics are know well
understood. sieve maintainance using RESTful HTTP would be much
simpler than creating an implementations of this novel protocol.

Only if you have a web server and a bunch of related infrastructure
lying around.  If you're implementing sieve support in an MTA, such
that admins or even user can provide sieve scripts to be run as
incoming mail is being accepted (rather than waiting until it hits the
mail store), then you may not have the luxury of requiring people who
want to use the new feature to run web servers on their inbound MX's.

Sun has implemented Sieve in SMTP server and are in the process of
implementing ManageSieve protocol.

Still a classic mail server, though. Nothing more exotic.