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[sieve] New Version Notification for draft-george-sieve-autoreply-01

2010-02-09 11:22:35
Robins George, Alexey Melnikov, and I have just submitted an update
to the sieve-autoreply draft, which we'd like the Sieve working group to
review and consider adopting.  This version presents itself as an informational
document (not standards track), which shows how to use the vacation,
vacation-time, notify-presence, and external-lists extensions to create
flexible auto-reply scripts.

The new draft is here:

...and the details are here:

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 12:14, IETF I-D Submission Tool
<idsubmission(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org> wrote:

A new version of I-D, draft-george-sieve-autoreply-01.txt has been 
submitted by Barry Leiba and posted to the IETF repository.

Filename:        draft-george-sieve-autoreply
Revision:        01
Title:           Sieve Email Filtering: Use of Presence Information with Auto
                  Responder functionality
Creation_date:   2010-02-09
WG ID:           Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 9

This document describes how the Sieve email filtering language, along
with some extensions, can be used to create automatic replies to
incoming electronic mail messages based on the address book and
presence information of the recipient.

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  • [sieve] New Version Notification for draft-george-sieve-autoreply-01, Barry Leiba <=