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[sieve] Meeting Agenda

2010-03-20 13:43:48
Hi folks,
I apologize for being remiss in not getting an agenda out sooner. Below is the proposed agenda for the metting on Tuesday. If you have any additions please let me know and I will juggle things around - we do have a full two hours so that ought to be plenty.


Document status review                                  (10 mins)
WG Status review                                        (10 mins)

Notary (expired)                                        (10 mins)
Notify SIP (expired)                                    (10 mins)

Include (expired)                                       (10 mins)
IMAP/SIEVE (draft-ietf-sieve-imap-sieve-00)             (10 mins)
External lists (expired)                                (10 mins)
RegEx Discussion                                        (10 mins)

Auto-reply (draft-george-sieve-autoreply-01)            (10 mins)
Notify-Presence (draft-george-sieve-notify-presence-01) (10 mins)
Vacation-Time (draft-george-sieve-vacation-time-01)     (10 mins)

WG Futures                                              (10 mins)


Total:                                                  120 mins

Cyrus Daboo

sieve mailing list

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