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[sieve] external lists and notify

2010-03-23 15:38:20

If redirect is extended by the external lists extension, so should be notify.

Our software for mailing lists forwards the emails for XYZ-request@ to the list managers of the XYZ mailing list. I do not like how the software does the forward, so I installed a sieve script that proceeds the mails for the XYZ-request@ address and redirect these to the list managers with redirect :list .

At the XYZ-request@ address people ask mainly how to unsubscribe from XYZ, so I want to install a vacation message that automatically answers how to unsubscribe. However this message shall be sent only to messages that are 300% no-spam. Since the message is not always sent, I want to send notification to the list managers in the cases when the auto-reply is sent (or when the auto-reply is not sent). In any case, the list managers shall know if the auto-reply was sent and if not, take manual actions.

The notify-mail shall be send to the same emails, that get the redirect-ed mail. Since redirect can use :list, notify shall be able to use external lists too.

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  • [sieve] external lists and notify, Дилян Палаузов <=