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Re: [Asrg] Devilish: Forget about DNS

2004-02-09 11:06:22


HD> We could use a much more modern and robust protocol, the
HD> famous and ubiquous HTTP. 

Let's see if I understand your proposal:

You want to stop using a distributed lookup service that has worked well
for 15 years, and you want to replace it with a point-to-point document
retrieval service?

Oh, no.  That's wrong.  You want to continue using DNS 'for what it was
built' which is mapping between names and addresses. You just don't want
to use it for this particular, new name/address mapping.

And, by the way, most of the difficulties making changes that you cite
have to do with implementation and operation, not protocol.

 Dave Crocker <dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com>
 Brandenburg InternetWorking <>
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA <tel:+1.408.246.8253>

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