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RE: plan for april 5th xmpp conference... (progress!)

2004-04-03 10:21:29

On 4/2/04 at 6:22 PM -0800, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

What is the defined, actual, use of resent?

I'll leave reading section 3.6.6 of RFC 2822 to you all, but the short answer is:

When a user wants to re-send a message, leaving all of the original headers in-tact but sending it to someone else, Resent-* fields are prepended to the message to indicate where it came from. This is often referred to as the "Bounce to another user" or "Redirect" feature in MUAs. It results in the recipient getting a message such that when they reply, the reply goes back to the original author, not the re-sender.

(Of course, in a resent message, the MAIL FROM is the resender.)

Pete Resnick <>
QUALCOMM Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102

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