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Re: why we should not be ambiguous about receiver behaviour

2004-04-22 06:41:44

On Apr 22, 2004, at 8:49 AM, Yakov Shafranovich wrote:

I think that it is pretty clear (to me at least). When a sender publishes MARID records, there are two specific things the sender can choose from: either 2821 values or 2822 values (or both). The receiver is provided with two specific validation paths: one for 2821 and another for 2822. So it is not a free for all but rather we narrow things down to two very specific paths, both on the sender and receiver's parts.

Just a clarification, in case I misstated something (or don't understand something). I proposed that the sender does not specify the type of identity (2821 vs. 2822) in the qname or rdata. I think Greg did a pretty good job explaining the reasons for it. But to add to that: if the sender can choose 2821 and the receiver uses 2822, then the two have failed to communicate.
