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Re: Can we split track the RFC2821 and RFC2822 proposals?

2004-04-22 19:43:58

Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

There is one interesting question - do we let the sender specify which identity he is using or not?

We can't its a non starter.
If the sender is impersonating any other party at either the 821 or
the 822 level and there is not a mail relay situation going on the
message is not legit and should be scrubbed.

The 'sender' does not get to choose anything. The only parties that
have choice here are the domain name controller and the receiver.

Conflating 'sender' and 'domain name owner' is a big mistake. They
are the two entities we are checking for equality.

Mea culpa. Let me rephrase the question: do we let the domain name owner that is publishing the MARID record indicate his choice of identity. Unless we do that, I don't see how we can concentrate on 2821 identity leaving 2822 algorithm to be tested later as per wayne's original suggestion.

Yakov Shafranovich / asrg <at>
SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc. / research <at>
"Some lies are easier to believe than the truth" (Dune)

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