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RE: Alternative to TXT or new RR

2004-06-17 07:17:58

I have not had a chance to read this list for a week or so, 
and have not been able to trace this thread with any ease, can 
someone summarize what started this thread, because I am reading a lot
of bits and pieces that sound like what we have.


Bill McInnis
Message Level Authentication

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Jon Kyme" <jrk(_at_)merseymail(_dot_)com>
Date:  Wed, 16 Jun 2004 23:04:59 +0100

Therefore, RPC-to-publisher is at least as capable as SPF-like
There are a lot of small domains out there.  I believe that we can get
many of them to take 5 minutes to add a DNS record.  But getting them to
install new software, and configure a new web service, is way past the
ability of many of them.

Then they'd need to rely on the services of a third party (which is what
might happen with reputation services anyway), or not benefit. So this
isn't, on the face of it, a meaningful objection.

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