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Re: SPF vs CSV scenarios

2004-06-29 15:29:09

On 6/29/2004 7:49 AM, Meng Weng Wong sent forth electrons to convey:

On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 10:27:50AM -0400, John Leslie wrote:
| | Andy closed the jabber session with several action items: | ] | ] andy: We were given 3 use cases today. It would be good if meng could
| ]       take his 2 to the list, and jfenton his to the list.
| ] andy: Then let's let the CSV proponents explain two things for each,
| ]       1) how CSV handles them, and
| ]       2) how SPF does not.
| | I'm waiting on these.

I was actually waiting for you to provide them.  They were
your cases.
Yeah, looks like they were mis-assigned, and no one noticed.
Anyway, I'd suggest that the lively thread about DDoS attacks presents a situation that CSV handles well, and SPF doesn't handle as well.
How poorly it is handled merits further discussion.